Photo credit Alan Cleaver
- It doesn’t allow for flexibility. If you’re following a rigid meal plan that doesn’t bend with your preferences or circumstances, it’s only a matter of time before you kiss the whole thing goodbye. We all need a certain level of autonomy in our work and personal lives; what if you don’t feel like eating a scoop of cottage cheese and half a pear for breakfast? What if you just ran 4 miles and are hungry for a whole-grain English muffin with raspberry jam, scrambled eggs, and a banana? Following a cookie-cutter diet plan that doesn’t take your needs, preferences, and activity level into account is setting yourself up for frustration and failure.
- It completely eliminates an entire food group. You’ve seen them— diets that promise amazing results, but insist on no white foods. Or no grains. Or no fruits. These are big red flags — because for normal functioning and good health, the human body requires a balanced, colorful diet that includes a variety of choices from all food groups; you can’t completely cut out a food group without robbing your body of important macro and micronutrients needed for health and well-being.
- It forces you to eat meals from a box. Diets based on pre-packaged meal plans are designed to do one thing — make money. Helping you lose weight and keep it off? Not so much. Boxed meals contain processed foods; even those advertised as “lite” can contain excessive amounts of sodium and fat — and may be dismally low in fiber — but because the portion is small, it may be low in calories. Eating packaged meals doesn’t help you learn to choose or prepare healthful meals, and doesn’t help you learn to eat appropriate portions; it simply teaches you to eat what’s in the box.
Beth Shepard, MS, ACSM-RCEP, ACE-PT, has a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Arizona. Beth is an expert in fitness and health promotion and a certified wellness coach, helping people thrive by adopting sustainable lifestyle changes. She and her family love to hike, bicycle, and try new sports.